
Autumn Conversations – Engaging With Politics for the Common Good

This is a series of conversations being conducted by Rev Dr Johnston McMaster in the Old School House, Gracehill, Ballymena and the dates/subjects are as follows:-

Wednesday 8th November 2017 – Building the Common Good and Equality

Wednesday 15th November 2017 – Equality or Public Justice?

Wednesday 6th December 2017 – Is a Common Good Possible in a Contested Society?

Wednesday 13th December 2017 – Where Do We Go Now?

We have been told that recent elections have changed the political landscape for good. If that is true, we will be required to change the way we relate in community as well.

As citizens and members of society we have social responsibilities. Democracy is more than just voting in elections. It is active engagement with those elected, through dialogue and sharing of ideas and vision. This should then enable the legislation and implementation of positive policies affecting Health and Social Services, Education, Infrastructure and so on. Three important ideas that emerged in the Assembly elections last Spring are “Common Good”, “Equality” and “Democracy”. Faith communities have values around each of these issues that can be publicly voiced though not imposed; can be understood, articulated and applied.

Our conversations will explore these ideas in order to help us engage with our political representatives and together build a society which will reflect the Common Good, Equality and a healthy, active Democracy.

Advent Lunchtime Reflections

Our annual series of Advent Reflections will take place at 12.30 p.m. (Lunchtime) on the following dates:-

Thursday 30th November – Ballymena Methodist Church

Thursday 7th December – West Church Presbyterian Church

Thursday 14th December – All Saints Roman Catholic Church

Thursday 21st December – St Patricks Church of Ireland

These services are designed to allow opportunity for people in Ballymena – whether workers or shoppers – to take time out for a brief period to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and to worship with others on a truly interdenominational basis.



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